I recently found an article via Twitter that further highlighted how increasingly important the concept of EI is, and why we need to both understand, and nurture our own EI. After reading the entire thing twice through, I thought I would share some of my favourite Emotional Intelligence qualities with you all that I think we should all possess. I would like to think that I have more EI then more, but I also rightfully know that everyone is on a path to learn, and everyone - myself included - can improve.
By now, you will have definitely have heard of the alternative to the Intelligence Quotient as a way to measure someone's 'smarts'. Its called Emotional Intelligence, and depending on who you speak with, its actually your EQ that determines how well you do at a job, how stable the relationships around you are, and what type of people you will surround yourself with.
People with EI are highly curious about people, about how they associate with each other, and how they interact. I always blame my Sociology minor for this, but the intersection between societal norms and our own expectations is so fascinating! So stay curious, and if you aren't, work on it!
Another key characteristic is having the power and ability to let go. Let go of the past, of old mistakes, of bad memories, of unpleasant moments. But I think its a bit deeper - let go of bad people, bad spaces, and bad habits. Most importantly though, the focus is to let go of past failures and NOT beat yourself up about them. Learn from them, and move on. March forward and vow to yourself that you will not make the mistake again!
More specifically, high emotionally intelligent people are hard to offend, and rarely hold a grudge. Both of these become toxic behaviours (mostly to yourself!), and thus, the smart ones are literally unbothered. So the next time you think twice about some old, random thing some person said to you, remind yourself that a person with high EI is completely unbothered, and that this is actually the healthy alternative.
This is the one I need to work on the most - learning to simply say no. Its a powerfully simply way to control your life, but damn, its a hard one to adhere to. But accordingly to research, taking back that power in your life and saying no to yourself and to others "honours your existing commitments and gives you the opportunity to successfully fulfill them." An emotionally intelligent person knows that focus and precision usually provide the best results, and thus, they limit what they take on.
So, based on the few characteristics that I shared, where do you think you fall? Would you consider yourself a person with high Emotional Intelligence? Or do you think (like me) that you are on the path, but still need to work on a few things? I would love to hear your thoughts!