Don't ever ask me to tell what gets Monika the most excited, because if you take all the lovely, amazing, fun, delicious, and exciting things in the world, that still wouldn't be enough to suppress her glee at those same things. Gummy bears, layered cakes, fresh peonies, sugar cookies, green smoothies, a fresh yoga mat, fireworks, the beach, a brunch spread with mimosas, take-out pizza, a good book, a very expensive handbag, a great pair of kicks, an insane pair of heels. Any of those things, on any given day, bring the biggest smile to her face, and overflow her heart with gratitude. Of course, while this is usually a very great thing, it makes it a bit trickier to make special occasions, well, special. Over the years (seven to be exact) of us celebrating many different milestones and occasions together, I have dabbled into almost all of the things from the list above; fancy food to take-out, practical gifts to Chanel boy bags, and have somehow managed to still surprise Monika on those days. So I thought I would share some of my tips so that you can keep your wife / husband / girlfriend / boyfriend / partner on their toes on their special day.

don't underestimate the power of a good meal
Although it seems like a no-brainer, there is still something to be said about starting off the day with a really good meal, in a really beautiful setting.
Because my wife is a sun-child and loves bright and airy spaces, I choose Figo in Toronto's Entertainment District for her Birthday Brunch, and I was definitely not disappointed.
Cake and flowers are customary (and normally not too pricey) when it comes to birthday celebrations. Lucky for me, June 10 is in the middle of peony season, so I always take advantage and brighten up the space with a few fresh blooms.
But this year, having literally just moved from Berlin to Toronto, and just days prior into our new condo, I didn't want to spend too much effort (or money) on extravagant gifts. Instead, I opted to give my wife a few coffee + reading sessions?
How? Some of Chapter's Best Sellers and a customized pre-loaded Tim Horton's gift cards made for the most easily wrapped, efficient, and practical gifts. And they still look good on Monika's feed!

the simplest gifts are often the best

experiences (sometimes) trump unwrapping
And in true birthday tradition amongst us, the day normally ends with a grand finale (usually by way of an amazing / master / final gift to unwrap). This year, though, I planned an experience instead of a grand gift.
Ever since we arrived in Toronto, Monika had been dying to head to the Harbourfront and take it all in, so for the sunset of her birthday, we embarked on the Kajama Tall Ship and ate chicken fingers + fries while marvelling at the glistening Toronto skyline.

Of course, the most
important thing about surprising
her isn't about unwrapping something,
or how much a gift costs.
The most important thing is that you, somehow, in some way, make your partner feel special + loved + appreciated. The premise of a birthday - or any special occasion - is to stop and take account of all the wonderful and beautiful things around you. The smile on my wife's face as we ended our sunset cruise was all the thanks I needed. Do you have any tips on planning events for your significant other? I would love to hear them!