Today is United Nations Day, and in celebration, the UNAC Calgary branch held an honorary dinner @ the Calgary Zoo Safari Lounge, for which I had the privilege of attending. The initial networking and wine-and-cheese session was interesting; I ran into Loren, an old friend from Starbucks Sunridge, and I was accompanied by Rachelle anyway, so it was overall heartwarming to see and meet friends with whom I had lost touch.
The many, many speakers during the program spoke of a multitude of different important issues, all of which, surprisingly, kept me fully interested and intrigued during the hour and a half speech session.
Business owners within Calgary spoke of a new concept which I had never heard about: a Living Wage. Other corporations were recognized for their contributions, and in particular, Golder Associates and their orphanages in South East & Central Africa, an Oil & Gas company that is working frivolously to live up the mandate of the 6th Millennium Development Goal: to eradicate the spread and transmission of HIV/AIDS and other diseases such as Malaria.
How encouraging indeed, to see that my efforts with UNICEF on Campus are for sure being matched (by the millions) across the world.
So, Happy UN Day!