Shoes: JOHN FLUEVOG, Socks: H&M, Pants: JOE FRESH 10.06.12 @ CENTRAL 899
June 2012 was destined to be an eventful month, and our preconception certainly did not disappoint. The month began with my little brother’s 17th birthday (isn’t it scary to think that I can still clearly remember my 17th?!) and proceeded with both my littler sisters’ and my convocation ceremonies (more posts to come). Cue my baby’s birthday that same weekend, my dear friend’s memorial/birthday celebration, my sister’s graduation banquet and then finally our joint birthday/graduation bonanza yesterday. All this while trying to live through the busiest time at my firm: year-end. June 29, 2012 holds a lot of meaning to me, and for various reasons! New fiscal year at work, my first summer in years where I won’t be in school, etc etc. And most importantly, I am looking forward to spending nothing but time on myself and my friends, as pictured above. Lounge, patio, cafe; bring it on. I’m ready for you Summer 2012. Lets do this.