It seems that each passing birthday brings a better and better experience with it, and this year was no exception. While I did initially have my hesitations about celebrating this year (due simply to the fact that I deemed myself too old to celebrate a birthday), I’m glad the girlfriend pushed me to take my own advice and enjoy myself tremendously simply for the sake of commemorating the day I was born. I always make sure everyone else feels special on their birthday, I’m so grateful that God blessed me with an amazing woman in my life who went to extreme lengths to make sure a goofy smile was plastered on my face all day Friday. Her, along with all the other amazing people that surround me made sure that my big day this year was a series of very special events, and I truly feel blessed: from a midnight countdown with cake #1, to a delivery of Jelly Modern donuts to the office, a special birthday dinner with my family with cake #2, an unexpected myriad of presents including a plant with buds of designer socks (I didn’t ask for anything this year!), an intimate dinner with my closest friends with cake #3 (from Crave no less!), and a grand finale involving vodka shots and mega-hype hip-hop DJs. All in all, an unforgettable experience – cheers to another wonderful year of life, and I am looking forward to another productive and prosperous year. Thank you to all those who helped make this an amazing birthday; you all know exactly who you are. On the same note, this year on my birthday, I felt motivated and inspired: I entered the 25th year of my life – a quarter century old. And I have big dreams and bigger expectations of where I want to see myself on my 25th birthday. So while I enjoyed my birthday this year, I did a lot of forward-thinking reflection, visualizing where I want to see myself a year from now, celebrating that milestone birthday: who I want to be around, what I want to be doing, what I want to think back on, and what I want to pursue further. I have the rest of this 24th year of my life to take myself to that place, and so the Bucket List is further highlighted, the goals are revisited, and I enter into this year grateful, content, and most importantly, inspired. Click “READ MORE” below for a photo snapshot.