Last night, to conclude a seemingly pleasant weekend, the temperature in Calgary dropped down to below 30 degrees Celsius, a phenomenon that us Canadians – and Calgarians especially – are all too familiar with, but dread nonetheless. These temperatures bring with them thick sweaters, down coats, heavy boots, car-starters, ice scrapers, shovels, fur hats, etc. And generally, this is when the city really comes down to a halt. Shops are dead, clubs are empty, and all everyone wants to do is sit in front of a fireplace and watch family films. Well I guess I’m speaking on my own behalf, but it really does feel that cold. I think we got so accustomed to our more-than-mild winter that we tried to forget the reality of the Canadian cold. But it came back to remind us anyway. Snow, wind and ice aside, I had a wonderful weekend; got in a spot of shopping, headed out for brunch, organized some paperwork, ran some errands, planned some vacations for the year and most importantly, caught up on sleep. As I’ve mentioned previously, 2012 is shaping up to be a pretty exciting year!