Portfolio: COACH, Jeans: DIESEL, Shoes: SACHA AMSTERDAM, Chain: TIFFANY & CO., Pendant: GUCCI
Sometimes its scary how planned, scheduled and by-the-book life can become. In a postindustrial society such as mine here in Canada, schedules and To Do lists are the norms – precarious seasonal work, self-chosen school schedules, time for family friends, formalities and celebrations. All these walk carefully on a tightrope between neoliberal ideals of privatization & individualism on one side, and the overarching hegemony of a ‘normally’ running system of society. What does this all mean? Life is hard to manage, so-to-speak. In a world where individual decisions are celebrated, its tough to still bend toward the socially constituted rules by which we live. I guess that’s where I actively become the Endoxist? In a nut-shell, life is busy. Very busy. But I always try to remind myself to be thankful for the opportunities I do have, and always remember that although sometimes I might feel stuck like a rock in a hard place, God has bigger plans for me.