Where have I been, what have I been doing, and why haven’t I been blogging? I’m pretty sure this has been the question for the past few months, if not weeks. And even as I updated once in a while with a “I’m back, watch out!” type post, who was I kidding? 2010 thus far has really been a true testament to me truly discovering who I am as a person, what I’m all about, what I stand for, and most importantly, who I stand for. I’ve been struggling to find my niche in this Fashion Industry, to find a place that my heart can call home, to gain a direction towards my degree, to cherish my relationships, to continue my pursuit of photography. In a way, aren’t we always trying to find that balance within our lives? That being said, I present to you, once again, IYBC, in a new refreshed clean layout, and with no empty promises of daily updates and new and up-to-the-minute fashion news. Lets face it, I’ve got a life, one that I love so dearly. And as everything is slowly falling into place, I can guarantee one thing; I will continue to provide quality content for your eyes to feast on, your mind to turn over, and your friends to gossip over. Welcome to my world, through my new eyes. Oh, and I figured the ‘hawk was getting old, so back to my OG haircut for now.
Much respect.