Only Balenciaga is a true couturier, only he is able to cut fabric, assemble it and sew it with his own hand, the others are merely draftsmen. COCO CHANEL
Its no joke that the latest big thing in fashion right now is Balenciaga. Anybody who’s anybody is either saving up for one, or already has one. And these aren’t your typical man-made canvas purses; Balenciaga uses the highest quality goat skin for their “slouchy” look. Anyway, in order to commemorate the launch of Balenciaga Clothing in Australia last week, esteemed fashion artist Michael Zavros collaborated exclusively with Jean Brown for the creation of some unique takes on Balenciaga iconic handbags that were displayed during the opening party. Graffiti and street culture techniques were used to bring a fresh twist to this latest “it” bag.
Source: Yatzer.