anyone ever told you to "never change"?
The sentiment might have had noble intentions, but I actually completely disagree with this statement.

The joy of living comes hand in hand with the reality of growing, and with that aging. We will never be as young as we are today. So instead of trying to hold on to yesterday - the old habits, old friends, old hopes and old dreams - I want to challenge you to look forward.
Change your mindset, change your outlook, and change your surroundings. Heck, even change how you have your home arranged and set-up. The key to growth is to shake up the routine of the brain. And if you ever question yourself, "is this really me? is this how I usually act?", take that as a good sign that you are experimenting with a fresh situation. Growth is good. Aging is great. Experience begets wisdom, and brings in calmness.


We shot this look in Switzerland, and I never would have imagined I would be excited to wear all black again. But this goes back to the notion of constantly changing and challenging what you believe is your truth. Step out of your comfort zone and questions your standards.