To help yourself, you must be yourself. Be the best that you can be. When you make a mistake, learn from it, pick yourself up and move on.
Dave Pelzer

I used to align myself with the 'no regrets' school of thought - of being so sure of your actions that you took a badass attitude towards both the accomplishments and failures that are inevitable in life. As I've left my 20s behind and ventured firmly into my 30s, I realize now that I have in fact more than a handful of regrets, and have made my fair share of mistakes. But this also comes with the realization that with mistakes come lessons, and with that comes growth and evolution.

And so thinking back, there was one glaring mistake that I made in my 20s, especially when I just around 21 or 22. And that was the belief that other people's opinions of me and my career would pay my bills or help me get to my dreams. Fast forward to now, and it was only me completely and utterly disregarding what others would say or think or discuss about my life that allowed me to come into my own, vehemently pursue a knowledge in all things digital and fashion and design, and be able to build a career around that.

I'm grateful that eventually, I stopped caring about those opinions (which truly did me no good) and instead focused on my own happiness and my own talents. It was this that has allowed me to say goodbye to a conventional life and move to Berlin, and then part ways with adventures to move to Toronto. I am excited to continue a life of mistakes that become lessons, which then allow me to keep growing.
Do you have any regrets?