Rain Dance

The ritual of rainmaking dates back many hundreds of years, and as seen above, can be performed to achieve the opposite of rain. We found it a semi-effective strategy while in the Riviera Maya last week.

Next Year, Baby

It was 5:38 am, local time in the Riviera Maya; we had spent the evening dining with family, partying on the beach with our new friends, dancing the night away at the disco…

Boxing Day Blues

Today, instead of waking up in the cold, we woke up in air-conditioning. And instead of eating fast-food breakfast on the go, we enjoyed a luxury breakfast buffet on an ocean-view table. Rather then hunt for deals, we hunted for consecutively placed beach chairs. And instead of shopping, we read, we laughed, we drank and …

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Still Dreaming

Its almost Christmastime, its almost time for me to pack up and head to the beach, its time to unpack and commence renovations on our new house, but really, all I keep thinking about is this hauntingly beautiful city of Dresden and how I can get there again as soon as possible.