You know when you purchase something from the Chanel makeup counter and they always package it nicely and throw in some samples for you to try? Well once in a while, when you purchase something from the boutique, they also throw in samples which are cleverly disguised as regular Chanel fragrance, but are actually Les Exclusifs de Chanel perfumes. These aren’t your regular $110 for a 100ml bottle you can grab at the Bay, Sears, Shoppers or Holts. These are exclusive, limited edition 200ml bottles of the best Chanel fragrance has to offer, and only available for purchase in the actual boutiques. So when my wife bought something a few years ago, they included a small and cute sample of Chanel no. 18 fragrance, and when she tried some on her skin, it was a match made in heaven. Something in its essence mixed so perfectly with her hair and skin, it drove me crazy! So I filed that away and decided that the morning of our wedding, right before the marriage ceremony, would be the perfect time to surprise my wife-to-be with this exclusive scent. I quoted Coco Chanel in my card for her that morning: “a woman who doesn’t wear perfume has no future”, assuring her that her future would be scented with Chanel after our wedding.