The winter of 2015 was the first (and last) Christmas that we celebrated in our home. We took possession of the place in December 2013 but that Christmas we flew to Mexico with my family. And the Christmas following in 2014, we celebrated in Paris and Prague (read the post here). So December 2015, just three months after our wedding, was the first time we decorated our home and celebrated Christmas in it. Little did we know at the time that in 2016, we would find ourselves in Scotland and in 2017, be celebrating in Toronto.

This was the year that we started designing / decorating Christmas ornaments for our tree. Since we had just celebrated our wedding, we naturally used photos from the #KCFairyTale as the base of our ornaments. Little did we know that one year later, in Berlin, this would be the only tradition we did before jetting off to Scotland.
Both as an ode to our first home, and as a testament to us finally spending the holidays in our home city, the plans that year were very house focused. We hosted our first #KCWhiteChristmas function that year to huge success! We also had my entire family over for a sit down German Christmas meal, and most of all, we spent time cuddling in our big cozy bed.

On the helms of our wedding and honeymoon, Christmas that year was very much not about opening gifts and instead about making memories. Nonetheless, I had to get Monika to unwrap something, so I actually wrote out our vows to each other on canvas, and installed them above our bedside tables. It made the perfect gift, and was so affordable (as it was a total DIY project!).

I am obviously so grateful for all the wonderful places we have celebrated Christmas since this Calgary one, but it does make me miss this time in our life just a bit. Nevertheless, adventures await, and I can't wait to see where we spend Christmas 2018.