Because we were living in Berlin and my parents missed us that much, they decided to meet us halfway and fly to Scotland from Canada. So naturally, we also jumped on a plane and got to cross Scotland off our list of places to visit.

There is a chain of beautiful boutique hotels in the UK called Apex Hotels, and they are bright, modern, centrally located properties. We were so happy with our suite in terms of proximity to the main square, to Primark (lol) and to cafes and restaurants.
Because we were there with my parents, and it also happened to be their 35th wedding anniversary, we definitely decided to treat them to a special experience. And what's better in the United Kingdom then a proper High Tea with all the fixings? Scotland had so many options for this, and we picked one walking distance from the hotel.

During our Christmas in Scotland, a fairly large storm was raging outside (shocking, right?). So we spent much of our time in bed, cuddled together and watching British Christmas flicks. We had plenty of Cornish patties, meat pies, and hot coffee to keep us company. But the best part for me was getting to re-connect with my old cousins from Pakistan and eating / drinking / dancing with them during all the Christmas festivities.

Christmas in Scotland was definitely memorable (albeit cold and wet), and reminded me of how much fun the holidays can be without all the decorations and creature comforts. Holed up during a storm in a hotel room with my wife and watching cheesy movies was actually perfect.