Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.
A.A. Milne

My parents always tell me that as a young child, I always used to carry around a clipboard and pretend to have lists of things to do. Growing up and juggling full-time school with full-time work, I always used to have competing deadlines and priorities. Even with that, I always volunteered, and also organized birthdays and celebrations with my friends and families. Needless to say, I've always loved to organize my tasks and my priorities.

The last few years, I've researched and used a handful of 'organization' apps that track my To Do lists, both my MacBook and on my iPhone, but I've also always had a paper Louis Vuitton dayplanner which I use more as a journal then a scheduler. But I realized last year that I kept physically writing down my To Do list and it was actually more effective than a digital list. So this year, I decided to stop kidding myself and doubling up my tasks (of both digitally and physically writing down a To Do list) and finally deleted those apps.
For our business, we still rely on a joint To Do list, but for my personally, it's a good old fashioned paper book and (green) pen now.

Call me old school, or an "older" millennial, but for me, typing something into an app on my phone / on the computer just doesn't have the same effect as using a pen and writing a list. I can almost visualize the list in my head when its not in front of me, and I am so happy to have figured this out for myself (finally!). I feel calm and collected about my task list now.
Do you use a digital to do list? Do you even make a to do list?