2. My friends.
I remember back in the day, the time spanning from around May 2006 till pretty much January 2007, were deemed the Barstar Days. Any occasion that came up, from Birthday to Going-Away to Free Limo Package, I was there! Dressed in my nasty white dress shoes, my Seven for all Mankind jeans, and a huge variations in tee-shirts, dress-shirts, vests and Gucci or Louis pouches. Armed with a wallet full of cash, two pieces of ID, a fully charged camera with an empty memory card, a brand new pack of Export A Golds, and about 50 mLs of cologne, I hit Calgary nightlife, on average, three times a week.
I didn’t drive back then, nor did I have a decent job, so life was literally spent at the bar. And when I wasn’t there, I was planning what to wear and where to go next. Oh those were the days.
This last weekend reminded me of those days. Well actually, this whole Summer reminds me of those days. Pretty much since June, I dont think I’ve spent a single weekend without being at the club.
You know it’s bad when you follow your favorite DJs from venue to venue, night after night. On Friday, I went to Mile1One (for the fourth weekend in a row), to break it down to the vivacious beats of DJ Dex and DJ Ruffio. Saturday, I went to Julliards, to again, jam to Dexter and Ruffio. Sunday was Tangerine for their August Long Party, again with the rhythms of DJ Dex. Haha I know what I love, clearly. And since Stacey just came into my life, I didn’t take her anywhere with me, meaning I was allowed to get absolutely smashed, which I did.
My friend See-Rye came up with this “drinking scale”. Once you take your first drink, you start, and then you pretty much plateau at each level;
Feel Good
Drunk (or Crunk)
Wasted and then (finally)
Yeah, I was smashed every night. Puking three nights in a row is such a fun hobby. I think it was when I came home at 6:30 am on Monday morning that I realized I was definitely hitting that Bar Star mark again; (Ew, that’s something which I do not want to do) It just goes to highlight the phrase that my friends and I always say, which almost keeps us justified even to ourselves.
Work hard, to play harder.