The worst thing that can happen to you is that you work hard your whole life and continue to reach for the next step in your personal, professional or social life, and never stop and take stock of where you're at on the way up.
I've always considered myself a fairly humble, calm, and appreciative moment, but lately, there has been so many changes being thrown my way (in every direction, including where we live, where and how we work, etc.) that I've truly felt, well, a little bit ungrateful. I've been grumbling about being so busy, about not having enough time to relax, to chill out, to stop and think about what work I am going to do, to get inspired, etc.

In that mood, I realized, that there must be so many times that all of us are feeling this way. A bit complain-y, perhaps a bit entitled, without realizing all the good and amazing things that exist in our life. The things that we ourselves have worked so hard to manifest and bring to reality. And these past few days, I've had to take a good serious look at myself and slap some reality back into my life. Stop complaining about being busy and stressed and over-worked! Be thankful that you can wake up, you can walk, you can breathe, you can explore life.
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Melody Beattie

That simple shift in mindset - that desire to stop and be thankful can literally change everything. It can inspire your creativity, it can make the world bright again, it can re-align your goals and help to prioritize your to-do list. So please, take my example, and the next time you're feeling overwhelmed or upset or down, stop and practice the dying art of thankfulness.
Be thankful, be grateful, own the life you have created,
take stock, be still, be happy.

Coat: H&M
Sneakers: JIM RICKEY

This is just one of things I have been practicing lately to deal with a fast-paced stressful life (which I know we're all out here living). I would love to hear some of your tips? How do you keep sane in this world?