The scary thing is that I follow some of those creators and I literally didn’t even notice this exclusion. And you know why? Because even my own gaze on Instagram is so white-washed that I have come to accept this as a norm. Since that call out, I really realized that there is certain people out there who actually look like me – dark haired and caramel skinned. And now, I look to them way more often for my style and photography inspiration. So I thought, today, I would share with you, too, the eight men of colour who I follow for constant fashion, and life inspo.
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Joey London (@joeylondonstyle) on

follow him for: cheeky Stories featuring his dj-ing and his love for the beach

follow him for: constant jet-setting and laid back photos, and lots of very delicious food in his Stories

a professional model who has killer street style but most importantly, does not take himself super seriously
follow him for: really cool bts of model shoots for stuff like asos and zalando

follow him for: luxury high fashion + very editorial Stories

follow him for: portrait style photos and very cool-guy Stories

follow him: for his hilarious Stories, featuring his love for Bravo, the gym, alcohol, and bugging his friends

follow him for: very interesting and always-updated Stories featuring Dubai, lots of delicious food, his fitness and skincare routine, and tons of social gatherings
What do you think of the list? Anyone you already follow? Or anyone that you follow for fashion inspo that I don’t know about?
P.S. Do you follow me on Instagram? LOL