..to forget about something you used to hold so dear. My favorite pair of Sevens, in a size 31 (back when I was a gym addict), hemmed by Underground (back when it was free), bought back in the Fall 0f 2005 (with a full pay check from Starbucks @ the Airport), almost three years ago, when Sevens for All Mankind was just emerging as the premium high-end denim brand which has now become a powerhouse for jeans in the luxury market.
I donned my A-pockets this morning, out of sheer whim, and WOW I don’t get how I could have forgotten such a gorgeous pair of denim. So comfortable, perfectly conformed to my legs, length just right, stitching and everything in tact.
I still stand by what I’ve always said (since back in Grade 11), every “body” needs to feel a pair of 7s. For sure.