Every now and then, its really important to gain perspective in life and what it is that you're doing. I saw something on Twitter recently that really got me thinking; if you found out that you really had seven days to live, what would you really do? Would you continue to have the same mood? Eat the same things? Have the same thoughts?

More importantly, would you continue to let certain things linger and pester in your mind? Would you allow the opinions or thoughts or comments of other people dictate your day? More importantly, your last week? I know its a lot easier said then done, but its an important exercise to remember that your life is only your own. Your destiny, your mindset, your goals. Not anyone else's.

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.
-- Steve Jobs

So this is just me, with a reminder both for myself and for you, that your time on earth really is limited. Most of us don't have someone letting us know when we go. Life is fickle, and we should just spend our time being as happy as possible.
How do you remind yourself of this?