As amazing as the last week was, I knew all too well that it would come to an end eventually. I loved being in the heart of Banff, learing about YouthScape and the movement that it is. It was nice to meet so many cool new people, from all generations and walks of life, and from all across Canada. And as soon as I got back, the usual Conference-Hermit mode which most experience at least for a few days, was snatched away as Souljah Boy picked me up with my two girlfriends hiding in the back! Yesterday was a full day of excitement, as I worked with my favorite coworkers, and when I got home after pho with my best friends, my dad was home! After 27 days of waiting to get a flight, he was finally done flying, through customs, and at home. Oh how nice it felt to finally see him again.
And that’s the end of that. Tomorrow morning my “LIFE” for the next few months, begins. UNICEF Executive Meeting at 8:00 am. Lectures till 4:45 pm. First English assignment already due. Gym after school. But hey, I asked for this life, and here it comes.