– Completely forgot I left my P-Rod II’s in your whip. MY BAD.
– After months of the GF hounding me, and the last few days of the Best Friend also being on my case, we all finally made it out to our first session. Sure, it meant skipping my class, but that’s alright, it was well worth it.
– “Try not to look at yourself in the mirror“.. HAHAHAHAHA opps our bad!
– He liked the shirt I wore on Monday, so I gave it to him. I liked the sweater he was wearing today, so he’s giving it to me tomorrow. I love my Best Friend (hahahaha).
– “DUDE GET YOUR ROCKS HEMMED!” No? Okay I’ll do it for you.
– Been a while since I’ve argued with you over who’s driving who, where and when. It felt nice.
– I need to dig deeper into my closet man. Forsure I’ve taken six shirts in a row out of deadstock.
– Told ya I couldn’t make 8:00 am bro! Oh well, lets try again tomorrow? =
– Don’t take what we said to you as an attack babe. Honestly, we only have your best interest in mind. Never forget what I said, we actually do love you.
– Siiiick you’re here for another few days. Gotta soak it all before you leave again for a thousand years.
– Runway Model? Ha, I knew you had it in ya.
– The five of us again? It’s been a whiiiiile.
– I enjoy our all day BBM conversations. =)
– Is IYBC too much about MY life, and not enough about everything else?
– On that note, 14 000 hits. Must be doing something right?