It’s Holy Week, meaning as usual I will be going through a huge range of emotions. I always get really worked up about this week, especially Good Friday, and to be honest, with the busyness of every aspect of Life, this week just sort of crept up on me, and took me by surprise. Anyway, I find everything during this week tends to focus on the Crucifixion, the betrayal, the blood as sweat, the garden of Gethsemane, etc. But dumb me, I always forgot that God places exactly the right scripture in front of me every morning. Today is no different:
Jesus said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.
Stay here and keep watch with me.”
Matthew 26:38
God has placed specific people in our lives, and I’ve always said, its up to us to utilize these resources and use them to the best of our advantage. Even when you’re feeling so upset about Life, to the point of death perhaps, take comfort in the fact that at one point, Jesus was just as low, if not more, than how you’re feeling. And what did He do? Found encouragement and support in His closest friends. And as usual, God was there, the whole time.
We can be grateful that God
is more faithful than we are.