I decided to take today off, as a Jurr Day. I finally did everything that I haven’t done all summer, because Monday to Friday is CBAR, and weekends are either booked or really lazy because I’m always exhausted. I’m really glad because I did a considerable number of things today. I slept in till about 12:30 pm, and then made myself French Toast and ate breakfast on the deck. I cleaned and disinfected my bathroom, and then watched an episode of the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. I washed, dried and put away two loads of laundry. I played around on my MacBook; first I named her Eva (Pharrell’s suggestion), then I downloaded music on her, and I finally finished my picture slideshow from my 20th Birthday pictures. I caught up on all my pending To-Do’s for UNICEF. I went for a run in the pouring rain. I cleaned my room (finally!). I hung out with my brother and caught up on his life. I helped my mom cook dinner and I went for a much needed hair cut. I went to the Gym after three million years, and I had a really good catch up session with one of my really old friends. Needless to say I had a packed day, but it was all enjoyable, and I feel fully refreshed for a new day of work tomorrow.