The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along. -- Rumi
Although most people laugh at or make fun of Valentine's Day as a Hallmark-created holiday, and now companies monetize on "palentines day" and "galentines day", there is something to be said about a day dedicated entirely to love. Interestingly, it was a friendly February 14 literally nine years ago that connected my now wife and I together forever.
So because it literally has a special place in our relationship, we always cherish this holiday, cheesy or not. And although the past few years, we have probably done less and less to formally celebrate it, we still always keep February 14 as a special day in our calendars.

But this year, I realized something that I had never considered before.

shot on location at
the st. regis toronto
As much as I am a big advocate for celebrating moments and making your partner feel special, I realized this Valentine's Day that 'moving cities' or 'being busy with projects' was the excuse I was giving MYSELF for not doing more to make an effort and properly 'do' Valentine's Day. I like to think we don't really buy into the three course meal and roses delivered - but why not? I used to have flowers delivered to Monika's work, I used to try and cook meals; and although cliche or cringe-y, they actually meant something important.
It meant that I still took the time to think about and plan for making my partner feel like the most important person in my life. And yes, its still important, even nine years later, to make those efforts and make sure that she feels amazing and beautiful and like my number one priority. I really realized it this year when we were talking about the week and how it was Valentine's Day and we weren't doing anything. So I decided to change that - brought home roses and cookies, and guess what, Monika also had snuck away and got me a heart-shaped donut and a beautiful card.

It really is the small things in life that make the biggest difference, and I really saw this year how important those small actions are. Keep them alive in your relationship - they are so vital in maintaining a long and beautiful relationship.