I woke up today and realized we're more then halfway done with the month of August. Its just nine days till September, and in my industry, that is easiest the busiest time of the year. Fashion Week officially kicks off in Toronto, then New York, London, Milan and Paris - and its also when the world renowned Toronto International Film Festival takes place. To say September is busy is definitely an understatement, and truth be told, we've been preparing for September madness since the beginning of the summer.
But regardless of how much I anticipate the month of September, it still doesn't mean I'm ready to let go of summer just yet! The sunshine brings the best mood out of people, and the long days and lazy nights these past few months have actually sparked a new curiosity and creativity in me. We've also made it a point to go out and explore our city much more, and so this summer has meant lots of long walks to the East and West ends of Toronto.

That being said, I've also always loved the brisk freshness of autumn and all the changes in fashion / school / home life that it has meant to me, and so I'm also kind of excited for September.

So my answer is yes and no - not looking forward to saying goodbye to long walks exploring the city and chasing sunsets, but definitely excited to be back on a plane and off to chase dreams and explore the world. What about you? Are you into September changes / end of summer?