I may currently be on a Euro-trip, and discovering fashion and culture across the pond, but my heart is still back home in Calgary, Canada, where I left a lot of wonderful people in a lot of wicked opportunities, and I just wanted to give a special shout out to one of my babies, UNICEF on Campus. Two years ago, I joined on as an Executive of Public Relations, not knowing a thing about the work that UNICEF does around the world, or the mandate of the club in the campus community. Since then, I’ve educated and informed myself, met some amazing individuals, got to travel on a CEDA funded trip to Guyana, in South America, and been elected as President of the club. Last year, UNICEF definitely had its ups and downs, but I gave it my all and honestly, it was a brilliant year for our club. This coming year, I had everything planned out to a tee, down to paperwork and folders. It was all ready to go, but God had other plans, and I was able to hand it over, almost seamlessly, to a very deserving individual, who is the current President for mythis little club. That being said, they’re taking things to a whole new level this year; follow their blog here, or follow them on Twitter here! Show support, show love, and remember guys, “its for the kids!”