ten years ago, I graduated from high school
...and I can safely say, nobody could tell me anything on that day. Not how to dress, not who to hang out with, and not what to study. The photo above was taken with "my boys" right before we headed to the grand banquet where we were joined by our parents to celebrate this great achievement. Of everyone in this photo, I am still in contact with two dudes. (Two great dudes who are 100% fam). Everyone else is now lost in a Facebook feed, randomly showing up from all their corners of the world. If you would have told me this then, I would have scoffed. But this isn't meant to sound like a pessimistic forewarning - I am forever grateful for the friendships I created and fostered in Senior Year, and how they have in some way shaped and formed the person I am today. I also found these hilarious photos from #Grad2006 and this was before there was hashtags by the way. I have grown, discovered, explored and learnt many, many things since June 2006, and below, I am sharing just ten of them. Brace yourself:

1. Some friends are forever, some simply are not.
People come into your life for a reason and a season, and sometimes that season will only last a year. Its healthy to let go of relationships and learn from them. Take the good and move on with your life.
2. Your grades in high school matter until you get into post secondary. Then, they don't.
Good luck explaining to your professor that actually you were in Honour Roll. They will ask you to check their office hours and make an appointment.
3. There are more important things then designer jeans, like designer appliances.
The amount of money I spent on True Religion, Sevens, Rocks, Joes, Citizens, Diesel, etc. could have bought me three sets of front load washer dryer sets. And granite countertops.

4. Dinner with 5 friends beats clubbing with 50 acquaintances.
Although the days of clubbing on Friday, Saturday and Sunday were super fun and probably definitely gave me some safety skills, the best socialising experience is a long drawn out dinner with five desserts to share with three people.
5. High school was fun, but nothing beats university life.
There is so many amazing people to meet and so many classes to skip and so many midterms to cram for and so many all-nighters during finals. The high school life becomes pretty basic in comparison.
6. Having the privilege to drive a car is still pretty cool.
Unlike almost everything else, bring able to drive (and having a car) is legit one of the best things in life. And very convenient. And also gives you an instant invite to events... haha.

7. You won't magically get better at math, or calculus. Stop trying.
It was after I failed Calculus AFTER hiring a private tutor and re-taking Math 31 in University that I finally came to terms with my lack of math skills. And this realisation allowed me to give my Communications Major a try and finally put that Commerce Degree to rest. And its the best decision I ever made.

8. You won't get along with everyone, and that's okay.
There is some people you meet that you instantly connect with. With others, you build a gradual relationship. And still with some others, you will just never be able to see eye-to-eye with them. And that is completely okay. Everyone is different and kind of weird and some people will not be your type of weird.

9. Everything won't go the way you planned. And this could be a blessing.
Some of the best "decisions" I made were actually reactions to unplanned circumstances that forced me out of my comfort zone and into unfamiliar territory. These are the spaces that bring out the best in us!

10. You still won't know what you want to be when you grow up. And thats okay.
At least I can say that I don't. And that is the exciting part. Keep dreaming. Keep hoping and thinking and questioning and wondering and theorising. I thought I had it all figured out in 2006 and now in 2016, I know with confidence that I will never really have it figured out and that's actually a beautiful thing. I will go my whole life exploring and trying new things and discovering new experiences to love.
happy ten year reunion, folks!
I am happy to see all the amazing ways that me and my alumni from High School have progressed and grown, and its safe to say that if I could do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing. What have you learnt since graduating high school? Do you have any regrets?