So the last weekend of Summer 08 flew by in a blur. See-Rye moved in Friday night and didn’t leave till Sunday night. My cousin/uncle BB also crashed one night; it was cool cuz I felt like I lived on my own (the rents hit NYC for the weekend and sent the kids to tdot). I drank my face off, watched The Exorcist on Saturday and Disturbia on Sunday, ate whenever, wherever, ran errands, watched TV, took naps, drank some more hahaha, and I didn’t even start to pack yet..
But on that note, See and I went to Walmart last night to pick up a few travel essentials, you know, like $20 worth… yeah, not so much;
This tiny amount of stuff in tiny packaging cost me a whopping 85 bones. Ugh when did life get so expensive?
So, the last Monday of Summer 08 I had a chance to catch up with Pharrell during lunch @ Joeys. I hadn’t done the whole club-med-with-fries experience for a while, so it was good.
Track of the week has been on bump all weekend! Check it.
Aight, got tonnes of work to do (both corporate and then some), so I’ll holla later.
(SIDEBAR: Welcome back to Calgary Klow + Boyfriend)