Of course, stuff happens which puts life into perspective. Other situations which seemed so dire at the moment, are nothing but trivial occurrences in a life which is far too important to be bothered with such circumstances, or people. This Christmas will be the first time in the 20 years I’ve walked this earth that I won’t be woken up on Christmas morning by my dad. He’ll be halfway across the world, attending his own father’s funeral.
This boxing day I won’t either sleep in or wake up early and shop; I’ll don a pair of TRs and help irritated and deal-hungry customers find a fitting room. This New Years won’t be spent with family or friends, it’ll be spent checking IDs.
2008 has definitely been the biggest year of change in my life thus far, and I feel like I say that about every consecutive year; I guess every year just keeps getting crazier. But I won’t get into my reminiscence of 08 just yet.
As much as I’ve been dealing, almost struggling, with constant change, I don’t think I could be a in a happier place in my life. Things are finally going the way that makes me want to wake up at 6 in the morning and work until 10:30 at night. I’m disgustingly in love with my friends, am finally realizing the relationship that I’ve worked on for years with my parents and siblings, am doing so DOPE at both jobs, and school? Oh yeah, I’ve finally had an almost straight A semester.