As an avid promoter of a simple, uncomplicated skincare regime, Bio-Oil has been an integral part of my grooming routine for literally years. And oftentimes, please ask me, "but you just use it for your stretch marks, right?". And the answer is, absolutely not.
I remember so many years ago when Monika first recommended for me to use Bio-Oil, I fell so in love with the product that I started using it as my all-over face moisturizer. Since then, I have integrated this iconic little product into so many different parts of my grooming routine. Today, I am sharing just three hacks of all the ways that I use Bio-Oil's Skin Care Oil.
In generous partnership with Bio Oil Canada

- cuticle care -
Because of how immensely moisturizing and hydrating it is, I love using Bio-Oil Skin Care Oil immediately after I clip my nails to keep my cuticles happy and healthy. Not only does it feel so luxe, after all these years of using it, I can see such a difference in how healthy my hands look and feel.
- under eyes -
I love using Bio-Oil Skin Care Oil for my under-eye care, especially because of the restorative nature of this product. I can feel it moisturizing the especially dry areas under my eyes, and I can see a visible difference in the darkness there.

- spot treatment -
And of course, one of main claims to fame of Bio-Oil is for stretch mark treatment. But I have found it especially useful to tackle old pimple scars on my head, my back, and most importantly, on my face.
My grooming routine isn't overly complicated and probably never will be because I have my beautiful wife to steal all the tips and tricks from. But what I do know is that when I find a product I love, I use it in as many ways as possible, and the Bio-Oil Skin Care Oil has literally been my go-to hero product for years.
Have you tried it yet? What do you think?