Can you imagine if instead of booking trips to new places, you had the option to book yourself back to a specific time in your past? Do you think that we would have repeat 'destinations' aka previous memories that we would visit all the time? Would we pack any differently? Would we try to alter our behavior or our own experience, so then alter our memory of it all? Without getting too philosophical about it, this thought got me daydreaming about when in my life I would like to revisit.

And of all the beautiful moments that I have been lucky enough to experience like our wedding in Prague or my champagne birthday celebration, there is one time that comes to mind instantly.

The time in my life when I moved into Monika's small one-bedroom apartment, steeped in student debt, starting my professional career at a Big 4 firm in downtown Calgary, saving my cheques to buy her a pair of Chanel earrings - those were simpler times. And I think that's what I would pick to go and revisit.
What about you, where would you go back in time to?