I realized something recently. It's so easy to eloquently dole out advice and suggestions and solutions to the problems or issues in the lives of our close friends and family. Especially with all the different ways there is to communicate these days, its easy to be connected with those we hold near and dear, and also just as easy to talk back and forth.
But you know what's really difficult? I discovered that over the past few months of advising and guiding friends through their problems or issues, I was recommending solutions that I myself should implement into my own life, and for apparently no reason, haven't done.

For both personal situations (like dealing with friends or loved ones) and in matters of business (negotiating contracts or delicately networking), I discovered that I should myself be implementing my advice in my own life. I am proud of being empathetic to others, but sometimes, I think we forget to be empathetic to ourselves, and the situations we find ourselves in. Its important to realize that we ourselves are sometimes in not so fun situations, and that we should also listen to ourselves and our gut instincts.

It sounds pretty straight forward, but I know I have been guilty of dolling out advice that I myself should be putting into practice.

So now that is a personal goal of mine; I will first of all only give advice that I myself would do / put into place. And secondly, whenever I am feeling flustered or unsure of how to proceed, I will converse with myself, and what I think I should do in that moment, I will seriously try to put into action. I hope I am able to, but at least I will make a conscious effort to do so.
Do you often ask for advice? Or are you an advice giver?