I can't believe it has already been one month since Miss Avia Ocean entered our lives at 9:32 am on November 22, 2020. And today, exactly one month after her beautiful and healthy birth, I thought it was time for a very much needed Postpartum Party. What is that? Don't worry, I have you covered.
22 12 2020

We were so fortunate that we had a healthy, regular, beautiful, unmedicated natural birth and from the literal minute that our baby girl came into the world, my wife switched from MON MODE to MOM MODE (I actually even got a necklace made that says this, and gave it to her a few hours after the birth).
Anyway, from that moment on, I knew that there had to be some way that I could appreciate Monika for what she did and what will do, and after a bit of Googling, I found out there is a growing movement for Postpartum Parties. And I thought, this is perfect. Even though the world is still in a panini, and we have literally one person in our cohort, it wouldn't stop me from 'throwing' a surprise party. It was a bit unconventional, but it definitely worked.

So, a Postpartum Party is exactly what it sounds like, a party or celebration for postpartum. Think of like it like a baby shower after the baby arrives, but this time, for the mom. After the intense physical, emotional and psychological journey that is childbirth, a woman is thrown into the lifelong journey of childbirth.
And it seems like there isn't really any celebration for what a new mom has just gone through. This is the thinking behind throwing a Postpartum Party - and honestly, I had no idea it was called that. I just knew I wanted to celebrate Monika's amazing achievement in childbirth, and thank her for the incredible job she did as a new mom.

I made sure the basics were covered, some chilled Champagne, a few keepsake trinkets to open, and a sweet treat. Instead of a cake, we opted for white chocolate covered strawberries (graciously hand dipped by my sister-in-law). Also, I added some 'Champagne Bears' because how cute and how appropriate for a party celebrating a newborn? Right?
And in lieu of having family around, I actually reached out to everyone near and dear and asked them to write a few words for Monika. I then hand wrote them into little cards, so although no one could be there in person, their well wishes and good vibes were vibrating the entire space! My favourite part was watching Monika read all the encouraging words.

I splurged on a fat bouquet of white flowers, and in terms of presents, I added to Monika's brand new Michael Kors charm bracelet that I gifted her for our Five Year Wedding Anniversary a few months back. The numbers "11" and "22" for November 22 seemed appropriate (you know me and my obsession with numerology). Also, I found these awesome matching "Dada", "Mama" and "Baby" crewnecks from local Canadian brand North Kinder.

Make sure to check out the YouTube video on your family vlog channel to see the behind-the-scenes setup the night before, along with Monika's reaction when she came down to see this situation in the dining room. I threw the 'party' on December 22, exactly one month since the birth of our baby, and made sure there was nothing Christmas-y about it. We made a 'bad bitch' playlist, we had Champagne for breakfast, we opened gifts, and we just celebrated the amazing woman that is my wife.

You know I'm always looking for an excuse
to celebrate my wife, and this Postpartum
Party was the perfect occasion. Cheers!