There's so much going on right now - facts, misinformation, video clips, news stories, personal stories, Twitter rants, viral snippers - that the feeling of overwhelm your feeling is normal. But despite that, the call for action is urgent and it's right now. Your voice matters, and I really wanted to take a moment to talk about a very delicate situation that I'm in. An interracial relationship brings with it its own unique challenges different from same-race relationships, and my wife and I have had very intense conversations as of late.
So we put together this video which highlights our current feelings, and also, more importantly, some resources and tips on how to actually navigate this situation and actually make an impactful change. There is always something you can do, and in this case, guys, there is literally so many things you can do.
We've been spending time having intense - sometimes uncomfortable - conversations with our friends, our families, and our followers. About what this all means. About how we're feeling. And about the reality of white privilege.

I will leave you with this: "I can’t make people not afraid of black people. I don’t know what’s going on. I can’t explain what’s happening in your head. But maybe if I show up every day as a human, a good human, doing wonderful things, loving my family, loving your kids, taking care of things that I care about—maybe, just maybe that work will pick away at the scabs of your discrimination. Maybe that slowly will unravel it. That’s all we have, because we can’t do it for them, because they’re broken. Their brokenness in how they see us is a reflection of this brokenness. And you can’t fix that. All you can do is the work." A proper bit of insight from The First Lady, Michelle Obama.
What about you? How are you feeling?